Science Fiction or Sci-Fi?

In the beginning Hugo Gernsback invented the neologism scientifiction for his pulp magazine fiction, filled with derring do and ray gun battles under alien skies, but this was soon replaced by the phrase science fiction , which is still current today. The legendary fan Forrest J Ackerman coined the term Sci-Fi , which has since gained almost universal acceptance in the mundane culture at large, where Sci-Fi is identified with the truly crass and mind bendingly stupid version of science fiction that Hollywood is wont to turn out, and is endlessly recycled on the Sci-Fi Channel. Inevitably, fans and authors, despising the rotting carcass that has been hung round their metaphorical necks, struggle to defeat this category error. One alternative that attracts wide support within the genre is SF which has the advantage of ambiguity, possibly referring to Speculative Fiction or Science Fantasy in addition to the classically correct Science Fiction

Another approach is to embrace the tacky but childishly entertaining nature of Sci-Fi with the term Skiffy . We know its rubbish, but it can still be fun. And, of course, Sturgeon's Law applies. Ninety Percent of Science Fiction is crap, but ninety percent of everything is crap

In the end, we should probably admit that the battle is lost. There is nothing sadder than a Trekkie maintaining that those who live in the shadow of Gene Roddenberry are really Trekkers . We wouldn't want to end up like them, now would we?

For a full discussion of this, and every other known question in SF, Sci-Fi or anything in between, the curious reader could do no better than the epic Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, John Clute & Peter Nicholls, published by Orbit, ISBN 1 85723 124 4. If you pick it up, remember to keep your back straight and bend your knees.